
2018-05-31 Tom

这应该是我目前看过的最难受的一本书(如果《时间简史》吴忠超译本不计算在内),问题出在翻译上。接连读了两本翻译明显存在问题的书会令人备受打击。《区块链技术驱动金融》(Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies)这本书,大概只看了一个开头就看不下去了。气恼的我在豆瓣上写了评论,指出各种显而易见的错误,但是由于豆瓣审核机制的原因,其他人似乎无法看到我的内容,我将在这里一一列举让人备受折磨的原书误译。

In this book we’ll address the important questions about Bitcoin. How does Bitcoin work? What makes it different? How secure are your bitcoins? How anonymous are Bitcoin users?

How 表示程度。试译:你的比特币安全几何?比特币用户的匿名程度如何?

But a bunch of cryptographers who hung out on what was called the cypherpunks mailing list wanted an alternative.

Cyperpunks was the predecessor to the mailing list where Satoshi Nakamoto would later announce Bitcoin to the world, and this is no coincidence. We’ll talk about the cypherpunk movement and the roots of Bitcoin in Chapter 7.
著名的中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)第一次向全世界宣布比特币系统就是在一个邮件组里,它的前身就是网络朋克,这绝非巧合。我们将在第7章探讨网络朋克运动及比特币的起源。


感谢评论中 whatever 兄的指正,英文原文中为 cypherpunks(密码学朋克,密码朋克),而不是译文括号中写的 cyberpunks。2018/6/8

Finally, CyberCash has the dubious distinction of being one of the few companies affected by the Y2K.
最后,许多人怀疑网络现金公司与其他为数不多的几家公司一起受到千禧虫感染(Y2K bug),向部分客户重复收费。

译者甚至以为千年虫是病毒,称它为感染。affected 在这是“受到什么影响”的意思。原文中并没有提到“重复收费”。

另外一些应该保留原文的单词比如 pull request,karma 等被硬是译成奇怪的中文。

Why didn’t SET work? The fundamental problem has to do with certificates. A certificate is a way to securely associate a cryptographic identity, that is, a public key, with a real-life identity.
为什么SET体系行之有效?根本原因在于它的认证机制。认证就是把加密过的身份,即公钥(public key),与现实身份连接起来。

It’s what a website needs to obtain, from companies like Verisign that are called certification authorities, in order to show up as secure in your browser (typically indicated by a lock icon).

“行之有效”和原文意思正好相反了。证书(certificates)翻译成“认证”了。certification authorities(证书颁发机构) 被翻译成“认证授权公司”。

试译:为什么 SET 无效?根本问题在于它必须使用证书。证书是一种将密码学身份(即公钥)和真实身份安全地关联起来的方式。网站需要向诸如 Verisign 这样的证书颁发机构取得证书,浏览器才会显示安全的锁形图标。


Putting security before usability, CyberCash and SET decided that not only would processors and merchants in their system have to get certificates, all users would have to get one as well.

Getting a certificate is about as pleasant as doing your taxes, so the system was a disaster.

Over the decades, mainstream users have said a firm and collective ‘no’ to any system that requires end-user certificates, and such proposals have now been relegated to academic papers.

We compared cash and credit earlier, and noted that a cash system needs to be “bootstrapped,” but the benefit is that it avoids the possibility of a buyer defaulting on her debt.

求证一下 bootstrapped 真的翻译成“启动自循环”吗,我见到的都是直接用英文的,这个真不知道。

Bitcoin doesn’t work in a fully offline way either.

offline 是离线的意思,即断网的情况下无法使用比特币,而不是什么线下交易。估计译者是受 O2O(Online to Offline,被称为线上到线下交易)影响。

In particular, the application of something called zero-knowledge proofs to this scheme (most notably by Brands; and Camenisch, Hohenberger, and Lysyanskaya) was very fruitful—zero-knowledge proofs have also been applied to Bitcoin as we will see in Chapter 6.
这一机制采用了由史蒂芬·布兰德斯(Stefan Brands)在20世纪90年代,詹·卡姆实(Jan Camenisch)、苏珊·洪博格(Susan Hohenberger)、安娜·莉斯卡亚(Anna Lysyanskaya)在2005提出的**“零知识验证”(zero-knowledge proofs)**,带来了很好的效果。在第6章,我们将看到,零知识验证也同样被运用于比特币体系中。

零知识验证现一般译为“零知识证明”。proof 是证明的意思,比如 Proof of Concept,概念证明。

另外,我对这几个名字的音译持有异议。Brands 作“布兰兹”;Hohenberger 应该是德语名,作“霍恩博格”;Camenisch 发音和“卡姆实”距离有点大啊,作“卡梅尼施”。Lysyanskaya 俄语名,“莉斯卡亚”显然漏了某些发音,因为我对俄语不熟,参考了《环球科学》的翻译,作“雷相斯卡亚”。

These properties can be achieved by using cryptographic hash functions to design the puzzles, and we’ll study this in Chapter 1.
通过密码学中的**哈希方程(hash functions)**设计的题目可以满足以上要求,我们将在第1章学习它。

哈希方程–>哈希函数,我都不想吐槽了。这译者明显没学过计算机/数学相关知识,英语大概也不好,function 压根没有方程的意思。formula,equation 对应的才是“方程”。一错再错:

Their proposal also utilized hash functions, but in a different way.

We’re going to focus exclusively on cryptographic hash functions. For a hash function to be cryptographically secure, we’re going to require that it has the following three additional properties: (1) collision‐resistance, (2) hiding, (3) puzzle‐friendliness.

A hash function H(.) is collision‐resistant if nobody can find a collision.



It’s sort of like saying, “a Tesla is just a battery on wheels.”



In particular, most spammers today send their spam using ‘botnets’, large groups of of other people’s computers that they take control of using malware.



​​_The adversary and the challenger play the unforgeability game. If the attacker is able to successfully output a signature on a message that he has not previously seen, he wins. If he is unable, the challenger wins and the digital signature scheme is unforgeable._

硬生生地把 attacker(攻击者)翻译成了黑客。

​_Even if a direct linkage doesn’t happen, your pseudonymous profile can be deanonymized due to side channels, or indirect leakages of information._

试译:你的化名身份可以通过侧信道(side channels)或者其他间接信息泄露而被去匿名化(deanonymized)。

Can’t we design the technology in such a way that only the good uses of anonymity are allowed and the bad uses are somehow prohibited?



It’s used by operators of botnets to issue commands to the infected machines under their control and it’s used to distribute child sexual abuse images.

issue commands 大概是看不懂就直接不翻译了。child sexual(儿童色情)直接翻译成“淫秽”了。

In fact one of the main funding sources of the Tor project is the U.S. State Department.

state department 国务院,试译:美国国务院是 Torproject 的主要资金来源。

Nakamoto is no longer active, but instead there are a group 196 of developers who maintain Bitcoin Core. As of early 2015 there are five with “commit” access to the Core repository: Gavin Andresen, Jeff Garzik, Gregory Maxwell, Wladimir J. van der Laan, and Pieter Wuille. The Core developers lead the effort to continue development of the software and are in charge of which code gets pushed into new versions of Bitcoin Core.

一群,数百人,而原文是“196人”,后面还干脆漏译了一句。commit 被强行译成调配,对应的 pushed 却没翻译出来。

试译:中本聪不在活跃,但一组有 196 位开发者的团队在维护着 Bitcoin Core。2015 年初,只有五人拥有对 Core 仓库的 commit 权限:Gavin Andresen, Jeff Garzik, Gregory Maxwell, Wladimir J. van der Laan 和 Pieter Wuille。Core 开发者引导着软件的持续开发,并负责哪些代码可以推入 Bitcoin Core 新版本中。

A good example of that is Silk Road, a self‐styled “anonymous marketplace” which has also been called “the eBay for illegal drugs. Figure 7.5 shows a screenshot of Silk Road’s website when it was operating. Illegal drugs were the primary items for sale, with a smattering of other categories that you can see on the left.”
丝绸之路公司(Silk Road)就是一个很好的例子,它自称“匿名市场”(anonymous marketplace),被称为“销售非法药品的易贝网”。图7.5是“丝绸之路”的网站截图。毒品是它的主要销售商品,在网页右侧还可以看到为数不多的其他类别的在售商品。

不是公司,而是网站。这里的 drug 应为“毒品”,而不是药品,到下一句又正确了,在后几页里又变成了药品,这是同一个人在翻译吗。

For example, in SETI@home volunteers are given small portions of observed radio signals to scan for potential patterns, while in distributed.net volunteers are given a small range of potential secret keys to test.

radio signals 射电信号,然后还脑补了一堆原文中压根没有的句子。


这就是你脑补的理由?另外,表格中 Identifying signs of extraterrestrial life(识别地外智慧生命的信号)被直接翻译成“寻找外星人”。

First successful public brute‐force of a 64‐bit cryptographic key

cryptographic key 密钥,private key 私钥。语序还有点问题。

For example, Blu‐ray and HD‐DVD were in fierce competition in the mid‐to‐late 2000s to be the successor to the DVD format.
举个例子来说,在2000年的中后期蓝光(Blu-ray)和HD DVD展开激烈的竞争,争夺DVD标准的制定者。

2000s是21世纪00年代,而不是2000年。原文说的是“DVD 格式的继承者”,哪来的“DVD 标准”。


bitcoin-qt library 比特币类库,现在又称为比特币中心(bitcoin core)


cryptographic beacons 密码学“信号塔”

beacons 一般译作信标

cryptographic guarantees 加密学保证


deanonymized 暴露


decentralized mixing 分布式混币

严格按照词根词缀翻:decentralized 去中心化;另外分布式是 distributed 这个词。

distribution with high min-entropy 最小信息熵分布特性

high 漏译。

encoding keys 编码解码


flooping protocol 泛洪协议

flooding 而不是 flooping。

pull requests 提交请求

GitHub 常用词汇,别翻译。

Quick Response code QR 码


这仅仅是在中译本开头前言几页挑出的问题,全书的差错率可想而知。如你所想,翻译的译者与计算机领域完全无关——专有名词上的翻译就已经体现出来了,对密码学一窍不通。事实上这五六个译者是来自证券领域,并且所处的职位略显得有些光鲜亮丽。这本书翻译初稿是由帅初(真名“戴旭光”)完成的,他是某个山寨币的创始人(Shame on you!)。实在是糟蹋了这本 Coursera 上的课程配套教材。此外中信出版社留给我的印象是是把翻译外包出去了,专有名词的翻译前后不统一,且编辑不做任何的检查。比如 Hash function 出现了错误翻译(“哈希方程”),几页后又被变成了正确的“哈希函数”。又如,第6章中,小标题对 side channels 翻译是正确的“旁路攻击”,但到下文中却变成了“侧面渠道”。第8章,把 pseudocode 译成“虚拟代码”,紧接着下一行又变成“伪代码”。直白的说,本书翻译完全靠译者丰富的想象力,不看原文都不知道在讲啥。译者也别在译注里写自己不懂的内容,莫名奇妙。值得一提的是,有些译注是直接抄网上的,水平要比译者高好几个档次(我说的是 Scrypt 的译注,相同的话网上至少2012年就出现了,而那时本书还没出版;另外第十章中重复了第八章中相同的译注)。